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      Switzerland's shameful vote at WHO

      François Brutsch · Friday, 13 November, 2020 - 18:57 edit

    WHO Meeting Deviates From Coronavirus to Single Out Israel As Violator of Health Rights

    On a resolution to condemn Israel (and Israel alone) at the WHO, Switzerland didn't vote NO like Canada, the UK or Germany. Switzerland didn't abstain like Norway, Sweden, Finland and 29 other countries - or simply joined the 56 "absent". Switzerland made a point of voting YES to a resolution co-sponsored by Syria, Cuba or Turkey.

    Two questions to Foreign Secretary Cassis and the Federal Government:

    1. Is this a mistake, for which someone has to be sacked (as it happened recently in Uruguay)?

    2. Or is it a naked appeal to votes from dictatorships in the ill-considered candidacy of Switzerland to the UN Security Council?
