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    • chevron_right

      Mozilla's Cringe-Worthy Dive Into A Buzzfeed Style Swamp.

      preptorrent · Sunday, 24 December, 2017 - 12:45 edit

    Update: Hyerplink Linux Gamer criticism of MozillaLinux Gamer

    Example video by youtuber titled Linux Gamer. Mozilla Privacy concerns raised. Perhaps a small part of the solution is to break up one's computing habits so that some actions do not reqiure a browser. Retro Computing channels use Bulletin Boards which likewise have IRC and FTP features. You don't need a browser at all for those things. Networks or chat using XMPP like Movim are another thing to consider.

    • reply chevron_right

      Mozilla's Cringe-Worthy Dive Into A Buzzfeed Style Swamp.

      Really, Mozilla? Really? And so good things are ruined. This is why we cannot have nice things. One good reason why the mozilla public license should be taken with a pinch of salt. Trust is earned, and so easily lost. Come back Konqeror. Maintain the trustworthiness though. Be truly of public license and that which is Free.

      group_work fake-news 21 June, 2017

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