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      Team building leads TO Divvy University

      news.movim.eu / cocloud-cooperative · Wednesday, 22 February, 2017 - 17:29 edit · 5 minutes

    DivvyDAO.org, in order to become a collective of autonomous teams, is facing the team building challenge from a number of angles. Welcome to the team! This forum is part of the process. We use consider.it, e.g. divvy.consider.it and other meams across a number of adopted communities. We have developed reward processes to reward team success so that those who contributed most, get the most, and everyone gets something. There is a combination of self assignment and acceptance into a team.

    Our success at team building however has not been sensational. Collecting interested parties is not the same as developing the necessary skills needed to product value from cooperative effort of the team. Divvy is aiming to coordinate team building accross numerous cooperative team efforts including CoCloud.coop, RChain.coop and givETH.io and open source communities innovating community technologies needed by every community

    Skills have become very specialized and at the same time changing so fast nobody is available having the necessary skill.  In my 59 years of IT experience using innovative technologies I have had to learn all new things about every two years. Today I am a generally dunce when it comes to the latest and greatest.  Every successful team I have been on is a learning experience for everyone on the team in their own developing expertise bringing both shared knowledge and special skills to the table. Team success was more about employing a sound problem solving process and the willingness to learn.

    Last year divvy ran study groups on Ethereum programming with the premise that anyone who can copy and paste contracts can program ethereum. Interest was pitiful Currently we have started GiveETH.io and RChain noob study sgroups with underwhelming interest so far. Some found value in the youtube videos produced in addition to the participants making it a bit more worthwhile than independent learning.

    Yesterday Divvy kicked off its Duvvy University project with an "earn while you learn accomplishing something worthwhile and making a difference" democratic education where students solve real problems rather than made up ones and earn bounties to incentivize students and coaches to  produce something wanted AS A TEAM.

    Many people tend to categorize the builders of technology as an untouchable elite with magical powers beyond their interests and aptitude. Indeed there are very few programmer superstars. However most activities in producing a and deploying a product are more cook book than mysterious requiring only following instructions and a bit of copy and paste. Solutions are mostly just a google away. Less than 20% of project budgets in industry are for the actual software development. There is ample room for other skills and creativity from a vision to adoption of a solution.

    I take Doug Rushkoff's mandate, "Program or be programed" to heart. All those willing to learn should help take back control of ourselves and our communities from those who do not have our interests in mind. We program ourselves and our environment and in that sense are all programmers. However the large systems we are part of are largely imposed on us rather than determined by us. We can change that by becoming builders of cooperative systems interacting with one another.

    I suggest a "team building ecosystem" enabling this requires cross-enterprise teams promoting cooperation where we have consensus learning how to solve problems cooperatively.

    A test case Samuele, could be a study group building the team building ecosystem enabling us to build teams to create it offering bounties in crypto for successful team generated from our efforts.

    Team building is the root of any successful effort and the challenges of decentralising the ecosystem of team building is many faceted and at the heart of capitalizing on human potential. Must people want to make a positive difference in this world but feel helpless to change anything. By effectively teaming up, we have the power to reprogram our world.

    Meeting notes: youtube video posted Description: Divvy University

    1. rchain noobs model class: thu 1pm EST = compiling Rosette using Vagrant

    2. givetih.io: sat 2pm  either.camp flexible coins

    Earn while you learn building something worthwhile and making a difference.

    Apprenticeships in enterprises that are becoming. Collaborative learning, team building,

    student run education, with coaching to build something and  earn bounties in crypto tokens leading to Divvy Certification from Divvy University.


    collect classes in consider.it, schedule in doodle/formadate


    1. proposal to allocate 10000 divvy tokens, team jim, kendall, planteater, meeting Thursday 4 est PASSED

    2. rchain and cocoin bounties

    3. ether.camp (romanj etc.) project incubator, hackers gold.

    4. giveth.io (jbayina, griff) seed funding

    5. project coin ICO

    6. ethlance.com

    NOTES: 4 people is minimum class?; how to apply the Divvy Toolbox; pre-Alpha status; find a mentor/is everyone up to speed; notes as mini tutorial transcribed according to Pimsleur learning principles/ Udacity.com as teaching model/Khan Academy/YouTube videos; the object-producing something of value, who knows something that no one else knows; meeting the deliverable; program or be programed(Rushkoff); class/taxonomy/user group

    Some Coursera classes use real-life projects as their capstone project -- this also pairs students with potential employers

    Ken: how do we make this comfortable for the average person?

    Elements of story can help. See e.g., Brian Greene's teaching style with stories

    Hans Rosling visualizations

    Joseph Denham could help come up with syllabus?

    ACTION ITEM: Motion passed to establish Divvy University and award 10,000 Divvy Tokens to the project.

    Process as developed in noob rchain working group.

    Meeting process

    1. divvyU.Consider.it, slack/rocketchat proposal, collect classmates/coaches

    2. Advertise formadate or doodle signup of alternate times if necessary.

    3. Update log document or channel, e.g. slack/rocketchat, in advance. All add notes, work product urls and steps/assignments completed, problems encountered, ideas for next steps to log before, during and after the meeting.

    4. Given at least 4 signups schedule class.

    5. Start recording: meeting and greeting, reports on where each arriving parity is in the learning process and what they hope to learn and do. Video made available beyond classmates only with consent.

    6. Show and tell starts after a quorum arrives of what was accomplished before the meeting up to five minutes max each. (can be deferred to open forum st end)

    7. Decide task to be accomplished in the lesson depending on the needs and desires of those present capitalizing on what coaching is available.

    8. Work up to one hour on the task or tasks sharing screen of students performing task using remote control by a coach when expedient to do so; monkey see, monkey do.

    9. Record progress, problems, next steps. Update log and assignment board.

    10. Accept and log individual and team assignments

    11. Open forum.

    12. Homework

    13. Tutorial of what was learned from commenting log notes (brownie points)

    14. Research for next week

    15. Take home work. Individual deliverables for next week.

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