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      Toad Data Studio manages SQL, NoSQL, and cloud databases

      pubsub.slavino.sk / infoworldcom · Thursday, 18 January - 10:00 edit

    Systems management and security software provider Quest Software is shipping Toad Data Studio, a platform for streamlining database management in heterogeneous relational and NoSQL database environments.

    Announced January 17, Toad Data Studio allows users to manage nearly any database platform in their environment including cloud and on-premises sources and relational, NoSQL, and data warehouse sources, Quest Software said. A free trial is offered.

    Toad Data Studio features an advanced SQL editor, SQL and DDL generation, and the ability to edit JSON and XML fields directly within table fields or in their own separate editing window. Users can compare data results across different queries or between different environments, either on the fly or through automated workflows, and develop desktop automations for routine tasks.

    To read this article in full, please click here

    Značky: #JSON, #SQL, #Rozne, #Database

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      SQL unleashed: 9 ways to speed up your SQL queries

      pubsub.slavino.sk / infoworldcom · Wednesday, 20 December - 10:00 edit

    SQL is the leading language for developing and querying databases , but it has a few quirks. In my last article, I shared 7 SQL mistakes to avoid . Now, let's take a look at 9 best practices for writing faster SQL queries.

    9 best practices for faster SQL queries

    1. Retrieve only the columns you need
    2. Use CASE instead of UPDATE for conditional column updates
    3. Keep large-table queries to a minimum
    4. Pre-stage your data
    5. Perform deletes and updates in batches
    6. Use temp tables to improve cursor performance
    7. Use table-valued functions over scalar functions
    8. Use partitioning to avoid large data moves
    9. Use stored procedures for performance, use ORMs for convenience

    Retrieve only the columns you need

    A common SQL habit is to use SELECT * on a query, because it's tedious to list all the columns you need. Plus, sometimes those columns may change over time, so why not just do things the easy way?

    To read this article in full, please click here

    Značky: #SQL, #Database, #Rozne

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      Trdsql – Pour interroger des fichiers plats (CSV, JSON…etc) avec SQL

      news.movim.eu / Korben · Thursday, 7 September, 2023 - 07:00 · 1 minute

    Voici un outil en ligne de commande fascinant qui va surement piquer votre curiosité en plus de vous rendre de grands services. Il s’agit de Trdsql , un programme écrit en Go qui permet d’exécuter des requêtes SQL sur des fichiers texte structurés tels que les CSV, TSV, LTSV, TBLN et JSON.

    A ce niveau, c’est sorcellerie messire !!

    Trdsql existe depuis un petit moment et est connu pour ses performances et ses capacités. Il peut par exemple utiliser de vraies requêtes SQL à partir de fichiers .sql , (que ce soit des requêtes MySQL ou PostgreSQL ).

    C’est une alternative avancée à q et textql , qui offrent également la possibilité d’exécuter des requêtes SQL sur des fichiers CSV et TSV structurés. Toutefois, Trdsql surpasse ses prédécesseurs en prenant en charge davantage de formats de fichiers, différentes options de sortie et en traitant les fichiers compressés.

    En plus de tous les formats de fichiers qu’il gère, il propose différents formats de sortie tels qu’une sortie brute, en table ASCII, en Markdown…etc. Un autre atout de Trdsql est qu’il peut être utilisé comme bibliothèque pour vos programmes Go, afin de traiter de gros fichiers sans soucis dans vos propres process.

    Prenez par exemple, un CSV contenant une liste de tâches dont vous voulez simplement extraire certaines informations spécifiques. Avec Trdsql, vous pourrez à l’aide d’une simple requête SQL, sortir les données souhaitées.

    trdsql "SELECT * FROM test.csv"

    Trdsql est très facile à utiliser et il est dispo sous Linux, Windows et macOS. Et bien sûr, vous pouvez le lancer via un conteneur Docker.

    C’est donc un outil précieux pour ceux qui travaillent avec des données structurées et des fichiers « plats ».

    N’hésitez pas à tester par vous-meme Trdsql en cliquant ici .

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      Overhauling Apache Kylin for the cloud

      pubsub.slavino.sk / infoworldcom · Thursday, 18 November, 2021 - 18:00 edit

    Recently, the Apache Kylin community released a major update with the general availability of Kylin 4. Kylin 4 continues the mission to provide a unified, high-performance, cloud-friendly, open source OLAP (online analytical processing) platform. Kylin 4 upgrades the Kylin architecture to make it easy to deploy and scale in the cloud. The new release features three major platform updates and myriad other improvements.

    First, Kylin 4 replaces its previous HBase storage engine with Apache Parquet, making it possible to decouple compute and storage for unlimited independent scalability. Second, Kylin 4 unifies the compute engine and removes any previous dependencies on the Hadoop ecosystem. This makes resource allocation much more flexible, resulting in a significant reduction in total cloud resource usage and associated costs. Third, by introducing a brand new, fully distributed query engine, Kylin 4 makes cubing duration and query latency much more performant compared to previous releases.

    To read this article in full, please click here

    Značky: #SQL, #Analytics, #Rozne, #Database

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      Movim just flattened the (connections) curve !

      Timothée Jaussoin · pubsub.movim.eu / Movim · Wednesday, 21 October, 2020 - 07:37 edit · 1 minute

    A few days ago I discovered that the #Eloquent database library (the one that Movim is using for a few years now) had some events that could be caught by an event listener.

    With this simple mechanism #Movim could be aware of when exactly a #SQL request is done during the execution time.

    The Movim #architecture is based on several processes that talk to each others, and each connected session (each user connected to a specific XMPP account) is having its own sub-process. The main issue with this architecture is that all those processes relies on a common database (PostgreSQL or MySQL) and each process open an unique connection to the database. See How's Movim made? Part I - The Architecture to know more about this architecture.

    When you start to have a lot of users connected on the same instance, this is opening lots of connections to the database. This is creating a congestion and can slow down the general performances.

    This simple commit ask Eloquent to close the connection after a few seconds of inactivity. Eloquent is reconnecting automatically if a new SQL request is made after the disconnection. This allows to free-up the socket resources once "we don't really need it anymore".

    And here is the result once this commit deployed on nl.movim.eu

    The PostgreSQL connections curve

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      The year of PostgreSQL is every year

      pubsub.slavino.sk / infoworldcom · Monday, 28 September, 2020 - 10:00 edit

    PostgreSQL really has no right to be cool. PostgreSQL development began during the Reagan administration — in 1986! Although shepherded by “exceptional early leadership,” according to open source luminary Mike Olson , the project was later superseded in popularity by its Eurovision-esque cousin, MySQL, which launched in 1995.

    Yet over the past decade PostgreSQL has become hip with startups and enterprises alike, surging in popularity to become the world’s fourth-most-popular database , steadily gaining on MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle.

    To read this article in full, please click here

    Značky: #SQL, #Database, #Rozne