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      Michał "phoe" Herda · Sunday, 23 December, 2018 - 11:52

    (This is a repost of an old blog post of mine from Teknik.)

    #qtools #qt #common-lisp

    I looked for a quick way of turning vectors of uint8s into Qtools's QImages for purpose of displaying them.

    This is a quick macro that I hacked up to do the job.

    ;;; (ql:quickload :qtools)
    (defmacro with-qimage-from-vector ((image-var vector width height) &body body)
      "Establishes a lexical environment, in which IMAGE-VAR is bound to a QImage
    created from the ARGB contents of VECTOR, with width WIDTH and height HEIGHT."
      (with-gensyms (length v)
        `(let* ((,length (array-dimension ,vector 0))
                (,v (make-static-vector ,length :initial-contents vector)))
                    ((,image-var (q+:make-qimage
                                  (static-vector-pointer ,v)
                                  ,width ,height
             (free-static-vector ,v)))))